Yo. Name's Scott.
Welcome to my 'site.


Man I'm a lotta things. I'm a dyke. I'm a dude. I'm a trannyfag menace. My existance is destroying classical family values with each breath I take.
Mostly I'm an artist. A storyteller. A sub-par programmer.

I like a lotta things. Lotta games. Lotta dudes. Lotta dykes.

Some of the things I like you'll see here. So I hope you enjoy. 


Cause sometimes I wonder if in 12000 years these two on the left will be real walkin around with art written into their DNA.

Isn't that beautiful? The hopes and dreams of humanity- no, sentient life itself- written into the fabric of our being? Octarians, Inklings, Jellies, Urchins and the like, living off of what we left behind.

War leaders destroying all of us but those who were truly living,

truly creating,

are the ones that built the base for the new dominant species.

I hope that in twelve thousand years after this body has long since decayed a tentacle will be cut in a salmon run and continue my life that was cut short.

I hope hes happy. I hope I'm happy. And I hope I paint the world with the colours of the rainbow. And I hope I grow into a beautiful Octarian. And I hope to never forget my roots. I hope I'm trading-raised so I know my culture. I hope to dance with the salmon and sing with the Octolings. I hope I continue to make my beautiful art, as it's in my nature.

As it's in all their nature. Each and every one of those cephelopods who will be kinder to the world than we were.

alternate 2023-05-20 - If anyone asks: I'm fine